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Welcome, new friends!

Please sign up to enjoy the benefits of membership in the Avalon Beach Historical Society. Membership is $20 per person, per year (September to September).

We hold four meetings per year for members featuring guests speaking about the history of the Avalon Beach area with photographs projected onto a large screen.

CLICK HERE for a printable membership form.

Objectives of the Society

  1. To encourage the study and research into the history of Avalon Beach.
  2. To collect and preserve all items and records of historical interest by purchase, donation or loan.
  3. To record local history and from time to time publish it.
  4. To encourage the study of the history of Avalon Beach in the local schools.
  5. To work actively for the preservation of local buildings and other items of historical interest.
  6. To provide and install local commemorative plaques.
  7. To foster the interchange of information among members of the society and other societies.